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K9ay, and so we begin...
First off: This is no site dedictated to those any made-up sisters of Vegeta, or any other relative for that matter. This is about what Veggie-san would be like if he was a GIRL. The female version is probably the only thing in this world more sexier than the male. |
22/1/03: 'Princess Retsu-ta Vegeta' opened for the first time. |
The Point
There aren't really many female fighters in db/z/gt. There's only like Juuhachigou(18), Videl, and Pan. Then one day, when I was really bored, I took a pose from a picture from 'Dirty Pair: FLASH' and drew F. Goku and F. Vegeta in it. They looked sexy. I drew more. I thought they looked kawaii together. I told my friends. They reminded me I was a girl. I told them I was a lesbian. They told me I was 12 years old. I told them I didn't care. I got married to a friend. Today I told her I wanted a divorce. Life's so lovely, ne? |
Other Females
I am drawing other characters as girls. I might get them up on day. I am also drawing a doujinshi of Raditz waking up one day and realizing that he's a girl, and everyone else on the ship have also changed gender. It's not comeing on very well...
If you have any requests for female versions of anyone, please e-mail me
e-mail my ego

Shoujo Gokou to Beji-ta (makes no sence, but I don't care)
This is what happens when I'm bored.